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Welcome to LeeMinHa's Blog
Sunday, April 27, 2014Y
[R] AkDong Musician - Melted

Minha here so today we'll be talking about Akdong Musician's Melted~!

The Song:
I have to admit. I never thought that a rookie group like Akdong musicians would one day get me crying. :( Really this song is sad. '200%' has a very happy, fun melody but 'Melted' just changes everything.

The Meaning:

The old man looks back on the days he was young, drinking an icy drink as he is now an icy city man.

He remembers how he ran away from home to pursue his dream of photographyinnocently taking photos of whatever he found interesting.

However, all the adults did not understand him and were cold to his actions & photo-taking.

During his journey we meet a shopkeeper who judges him for paying with so many cents and buying so little to all thesesad and unkind people in the streets around him.

He finally meets this lady whom he thought was "kind", allowing him to take photos (although after applying makeup not letting him take more pics of the real crying her) and even gives him a ride.

However, she finds some arm candy in a pub and leaves him there to deal with the bill and an angry bartender who seemed pissed off by his own life.

The boy gets beaten up and in the process his camera (symbol of his innocent dreams) was broken.
He then goes to the police for help but they just ignore him because he seemed unimportant (compared to whatever other cases they were dealing with).
He walks away from the city and comes to the countryside. He sees a dog and wants to befriend it but he barks at him.
…until a native american man came out of his trailer (a symbol of people of the past/non city people) and gave him food and drink, even showing appreciation of his photography interests (his dreams).
We finally go back to the boy, now a cold city man but his drink no longer cold - the ice has "melted"; from the warmthhe felt from the kind native american man he once met, from the kindness that may still be found in today’s society

The English

There's only 10 english words in here which are
1. Too
2. Late
3. Get
4. It
And all of these are pronounced perfectly.
But Chan Hyuk's Too late get it out part is kind of off... I'm not sure why...
I look at its past warmth that has been buried deeply (too late to get it out)
This is what I've got from the english translation. But still... I don't really get it...

4. Something Wrong?
Nope... but I just wish that the world wasn't cold...

5. Anything else?
Again no dancees... but it's fine since it's a sad song. And I really applaud AkMu for this video and also the song, Non of them was starred in Melted. I mean Soo Hyun was starred in 200% and also I love you but in Melted no one was starred but The old man, a couple of fighting women, tin guy, shop keeper, crying lady, crying lady's boyfriend, bartender, police woman, criminals, DOG, american guy, driving guy and alos the boy.

:3 dandandan~ Bye bye~!

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ends at 12:02 AM
Animated Blinking Gingerbread Man

Saturday, April 26, 2014Y
(FF) From the Start to The End

Hey everyone~! Here to promote my Big Bang fanfiction~

The trailer:
 %E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gifFrom a normal trainee to a famous singer. From a nobody to somebody. That's Kim Minha's life when she met Big Bang. %E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gif
%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gifBig bang members realizes that there's only one Kim Minha and five Big bang boys. They know that she won't be able to be with all five of them even if she wanted to.%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gif
%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gifHopefully, Kim Minha would be able to accept one of them or maybe someone else?%E3%83%8F%E3%83%BC%E3%83%88_m.gif
You can read it here ^w^ From the Start to the End

ends at 5:57 AM
Animated Blinking Gingerbread Man

[LMH] About me:

Okay after posting 2ne1's .Come back Home I'm going to tell a few thing about myself.

1. I have a lot of Nicknames which are:
NE_Gon, Lee MinHa, Park SoHa, Hyung (yes it means older brother when I'm 100% girl), Senpai, GD (I DUN KNOW WHYYY!!!), Luhan (CAuse my name is almost the same as his), Nunu, Haha.

2. I'm a big fan to these two groups:
~Big Bang~

3. Okay here's my list of MY KPOP MALE GROUP/SOLO RANKING from 1-10
  1. Big Bang (I'm a VIP baby :D)
  2. Winner (Ace immida~!)
  3. Teen TOP
  4. Rain Bi
  5. BAP
  6. VIXX
  7. Shinhwa
  8. Se7en
  9. Cross Gene
  10. Epik High
And yes as you see I am not a fan of EXO and SUJU. I'm sorry exotics and Elfs but I don't really like them. Reasons?
  1. If I try to like it then my friends would be like "EH! SEHUN's MINE" "DON't YOU DARE TAKE LUHAN!" "Kyuhyun IS MY HUSBAND" " WHAT YOU LIKE KAI. OH NO YOU DON'T!" And world war three would start =-=ll
  2. I just don't like them.
  3. Cause. My friends are always calling me Luhan. ANd I feel sorry for him. One of my friend said he's ugly and stuff. I don't really know who Luhan is but all that i can say is that I'm sorry.
4. Here's the girl group/solo rank.
  2. Gummy
  3. Lee Hi
Oh my gad. it didn't even reach 4. Well as you see I don't really like girl groups. Especially SNSD. You got a problem? Well go talk to Eminem and see if he cares.
Oh wait...

I'm sorry GG fans. I have no idea what your fanclub name is but I am not one of you. I don't really like SNSD cause 2ne1's fan and SNSD's fan are always in fan wars and guess what I HATE THE FREAKING HELL OF IT.  I mean so what if the two group releases an album at the same day? oh yeah this will happen :


5. Okay back to this.. hm.. in Big Bang I love GD the most >3< Then Daesung, then Seungri then TOP and lastly Tae.
I would have like Tae if he DIDN'T TAKE OFF HIS SHIRT In every videos I watch -m-
He and Jay park are the same =-=ll

For 2NE1:
Bommie who love corn is first, then Dara the goddes then CL the baddest female and lastly Minzy. I don't know why I don't really like Minzy... I mean she is pretty and cute but I just can't seem to like her... but overall I like everyone in 2ne1 and Big bang.

6. why don't I tell my age?
-w- secret.. but I'm the same age as one of Seventeen Boyss and I call him DJ S after playing around wif his name hehe~

7. I like Arashi and Yuya Matsushita

Well that is all :D

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ends at 12:44 AM
Animated Blinking Gingerbread Man

Friday, April 25, 2014Y
[R] 2NE1- Come Back Home


I'm Lee_Min Ha. Yes that's a Korean name but I'm not Korean. So What? This blog will be about my reviews of a lot of MVs (Music Videos) And maybe about my own personal life. Maybe~

So for my first MV review will be 2NE1's Come Back Home~!

I knowX2 It's already been a month since it has been released but I can't help but pick this one up.
1. The Song

Overall, the song is very great but there is one part that my and my sister agree that doesn't really fits in.

Come baby baby come come baby come come baby baby come come
Sorry if no one agrees with me about this but still. For me it doesn't really fit in.
But still... the techy sound to it is really great!
And I've realised that the part where CL raps is just in this video. And it really has a deep meaning in it too.
2. The Meaning
Alright... for the meaning is so... T_T Touche~
The message of this MV ties very well to the whole concept of 2ne1's comeback. The song and MV sends this message as an extended metaphor: 2ne1's recent comeback is to disillusion K-pop fans from what might seem incredible to us in the K-pop scene (a.k.a. fake virtual paradise) when in reality it has been dwelling in mediocrity while they were gone. 2ne1 has come back to destroy this illusion calling everyone to come home to what they've known is best and reminding everyone who is the best. With Blackjacks support, they are showing what K-pop can achieve with thorough planning, pushing the envelope and giving its all or nothing at all. This is the only way to level up K-pop or better yet create out-of-this-world results which has been evident by the overwhelming positive reaction to 2ne1's comeback. You can't fabricate public sentiment. The girls outdid themselves and crushed everyone else. Blackjacks and non-Blackjacks alike are home.

3. The English
10/10 ^_^ Well most of the 2NE1 girls have been overseas except Minzy so I guess there's not much to say for this chapter (XD)

4. Something wrong?
THE LIP SYNCING!!!! I don't know if anyone knows but I think most YG artists don't really know how to lip sync. Well that's good! But in the MVs are really bothering me out. It's kind of like they're just opening and closing their mouths T_T 

5. Anything else?
Hm... this part is supposed to be a dance part but. There.Nu.Dance. unless you call walking a dance.

Mmkay. that's all for this round~!

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ends at 11:40 PM
Animated Blinking Gingerbread Man